SOMOD ui/config.yaml

A SOMOD module can define a set of configurations in the config.yaml file.

The SOMOD build command validates ui/config.yaml and generates /build/ui/config.json. The SOMOD prepare command combines config.json from all dependency modules to create .env and next.config.js.

Most of the configuration in config.yaml refers to the SOMOD parameter for their values. The parameter values from parameters.json are applied to generate .env and next.config.js while preparing.

Anatomy of config.yaml

The config.yaml contains four sections. All four sections are optional.

  • env
    This section defines the environmental variables required by the module. SOMOD generates .env from this section.

    env: NEXT_PUBLIC_MY_API_URL: # any SOMOD common keywords SOMOD::Parameter: mycomponent.api.url MY_API_TOKEN: SOMOD::If: - # this is true - # use this value - # else this

    The env is a map of the Environmental variable to the Common Keywords.

  • imageDomains
    When a module uses an external image, the external domain name needs to be configured in imageDomains. Read more about image optimization in NextJs documentation.

    imageDomains: - - SOMOD::Parameter: mycomponent.image.cdn

    The imageDomains is an array of hardcoded domain name strings or Common Keywords.

  • publicRuntimeConfig
    This section is similar to the publicRuntimeConfig of NextJs configuration. The SOMOD's publicRuntimeConfig refers to the SOMOD parameter for the value.

    publicRuntimeConfig: myTheme: # any SOMOD common keywords SOMOD::Parameter: mycomponent.api.url apiUrl: # any SOMOD common keywords

    The publicRuntimeConfig is a map of the config name to the Common Keywords.

  • serverRuntimeConfig
    The serverRuntimeConfig is similar to publicRuntimeConfig, but these configs are available only on the server.

    serverRuntimeConfig: apiToken: # any SOMOD common keywords SOMOD::Parameter: mycomponent.api.url

    The serverRuntimeConfig is a map of the config name to the Common Keywords.

    In the Next Chapter, let us understand how SOMOD processes ui/config.yaml and serverless/template.yaml files.

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