Getting Started with SOMOD

This page is an overview of the SOMOD Documentation and its resources.

  • Try SOMOD

    Try the SOMOD by running the following command

    npx create-somod my-first-somod-module

    This command initializes an NPM package called my-first-somod-module along with the required configuration and sample files

    To see the results, run the following commands

    cd my-first-somod-module npx somod start --dev

    and visit http://localhost:3000 to see the first page created using SOMOD.

  • Learn SOMOD

    People come to SOMOD from different backgrounds and with different learning styles. Whether you prefer a more theoretical or a practical approach, we hope you’ll find this section helpful.

    If you prefer to learn by doing, start with our practical guide with an example.
    If you prefer to learn concepts step by step, start with our reference guide.

    Like any unfamiliar technology, SOMOD does have a learning curve. With practice and some patience, you will get the hang of it.

  • Contributing to SOMOD

    We love your contributions to this project. Be it a problem in the documentation or an issue with the code or a fix to the issue.

    Please use the SOMOD GitHub repo to contribute to this project.

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