Develop a serverless backend in SOMOD

The serverless backend is created using the template.yaml file within the serverless directory. The lambda function code is created under the serverless/functions directory.

The serverless/template.yaml is similar to AWS SAM's template, but with added keywords. The keywords are pre-processed while generating the final template intended for AWS deployment. The serverless/template.yaml guide describes the anatomy of the SOMOD's serverless/template.yaml file.

Each serverless function must have a typescript file with a default export under the serverless/functions directory. SOMOD takes care of bundling typescript code into AWS Lambda's NodeJS Runtime compatible javascript code.


Let us implement REST API for User Management.
The following steps guide you to create your first SOMOD module for User Management REST APIs

  1. Create the Lambda Function and DynamoDB Table resources in the infrastructure code.

    Insert the following code into the serverless/template.yaml file

    # yaml-language-server: $schema=../node_modules/somod-schema/schemas/serverless-template/index.json # /serverless/template.yaml Resources: UserTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table SOMOD::Output: default: true # returns the table name attributes: - Arn # returns the ARN of the table Properties: # The properties are defined in AWS CloudFormation Reference at # TableName: SOMOD::ResourceName: User # SOMOD::ResourceName is a SOMOD keyword which generates a unique table name during deployment BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST KeySchema: - AttributeName: "userId" KeyType: "HASH" AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: "userId" AttributeType: "S" UserAPILambda: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # The properties are defined in AWS SAM Reference at # Properties: CodeUri: # With SOMOD::Function keyword, the lambda function code is automatically bundled from the mentioned function name. SOMOD::Function: type: HttpApi name: userApi # there must be a file named userApi.ts under serverless/functions directory Environment: Variables: TABLE_NAME: SOMOD::Ref: resource: UserTable # Refer the default return value of the UserTable Policies: - Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: Allow Resource: - SOMOD::Ref: # Refer the Arn Attribute of the UserTable resource: UserTable attribute: Arn Action: - "dynamodb:PutItem" - "dynamodb:Query" - "dynamodb:UpdateItem" - "dynamodb:DeleteItem" - "dynamodb:Scan" Events: Create: Type: HttpApi Properties: Method: POST Path: /user ApiId: SOMOD::Ref: # Refer to BaseHttpApi resource provided by the dependent module somod-http-api-gateway resource: BaseHttpApi module: somod-http-api-gateway Read: Type: HttpApi Properties: Method: GET Path: /user/{id} ApiId: SOMOD::Ref: resource: BaseHttpApi module: somod-http-api-gateway Update: Type: HttpApi Properties: Method: PUT Path: /user/{id} ApiId: SOMOD::Ref: resource: BaseHttpApi module: somod-http-api-gateway Delete: Type: HttpApi Properties: Method: DELETE Path: /user/{id} ApiId: SOMOD::Ref: resource: BaseHttpApi module: somod-http-api-gateway List: Type: HttpApi Properties: Method: GET Path: /user/list ApiId: SOMOD::Ref: resource: BaseHttpApi module: somod-http-api-gateway
  2. Install additional libraries required for the Lambda function

    npm i --save uuid npm i --save-dev @types/uuid @types/aws-lambda aws-sdk somod-middleware
  3. Create the type definitions

    Copy the following code into the lib/types.ts file.

    // lib/types.ts export type User = { name: string; email: string; dob?: string; active: boolean; lastUpdatedAt: number; createdAt: number; }; export type UserWithId = { userId: string } & User; export type CreateUserInput = Omit<User, "lastUpdatedAt" | "createdAt">; export type UpdateUserInput = Partial<CreateUserInput>;

    3.1. Export the type definitions
    The type definitions can be exported in the lib/index.ts to make them available for other modules to use.

    // lib/index.ts export * from "./types";
  4. Create the Lambda function code

    Copy the following code into the serverless/functions/userApi.ts file

    // serverless/functions/userApi.ts import { APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2 } from "aws-lambda"; import { DynamoDB } from "aws-sdk"; import { v1 as v1uuid } from "uuid"; import { CreateUserInput, UpdateUserInput, UserWithId } from "../../lib/types"; const dynamoDb = new DynamoDB(); const createUser = async (tableName: string, user: CreateUserInput) => { const userId = v1uuid(); const now =; const createdUser: UserWithId = { userId, ...user, lastUpdatedAt: now, createdAt: now }; await dynamoDb .putItem({ TableName: tableName, Item: DynamoDB.Converter.marshall(createdUser) }) .promise(); return createdUser; }; const readUser = async (tableName: string, userId: string) => { const result = await dynamoDb .query({ TableName: tableName, KeyConditionExpression: "userId = :userId", ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":userId": DynamoDB.Converter.input(userId) } }) .promise(); const user = DynamoDB.Converter.unmarshall( result.Items?.[0] || {} ) as UserWithId; return user; }; const updateUser = async ( tableName: string, userId: string, user: UpdateUserInput ) => { const now =; const updateExpressions: string[] = ["#lastUpdatedAt = :lastUpdatedAt"]; const expressionAttributeNames: DynamoDB.ExpressionAttributeNameMap = { "#lastUpdatedAt": "lastUpdatedAt" }; const expressionAttributeValues: DynamoDB.ExpressionAttributeValueMap = { ":lastUpdatedAt": DynamoDB.Converter.input(now) }; Object.keys(user).forEach(attr => { updateExpressions.push(`#${attr} = :${attr}`); expressionAttributeNames[`#${attr}`] = attr; expressionAttributeValues[`:${attr}`] = DynamoDB.Converter.input( user[attr] ); }); const result = await dynamoDb .updateItem({ TableName: tableName, Key: DynamoDB.Converter.marshall({ userId }), UpdateExpression: "SET " + updateExpressions.join(", "), ConditionExpression: "attribute_exists(#userId)", ExpressionAttributeNames: { ...expressionAttributeNames, "#userId": "userId" }, ExpressionAttributeValues: expressionAttributeValues, ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW" }) .promise(); return DynamoDB.Converter.unmarshall(result.Attributes) as UserWithId; }; const deleteUser = async (tableName: string, userId: string) => { await dynamoDb .deleteItem({ TableName: tableName, Key: DynamoDB.Converter.marshall({ userId }) }) .promise(); }; const listUsers = async (tableName: string) => { const result = await dynamoDb .scan({ TableName: tableName }) .promise(); const users = (result.Items || []).map(item => DynamoDB.Converter.unmarshall(item) ) as UserWithId[]; return users; }; const userApi: APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2 = async event => { const tableName = process.env.TABLE_NAME; const body = JSON.parse(event.body || "{}"); const userId = event.pathParameters?.["id"]; // console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)); let result = null; switch (event.routeKey) { case "POST /user": result = await createUser(tableName, body); break; case "GET /user/{id}": result = await readUser(tableName, userId); break; case "PUT /user/{id}": result = await updateUser(tableName, userId, body); break; case "DELETE /user/{id}": result = await deleteUser(tableName, userId); break; case "GET /user/list": result = await listUsers(tableName); break; } return result; }; export default userApi;
  5. Build the module

    npx somod build -v

    The build command validates the complete module and generates the build/ directory.

  6. Prepare AWS SAM Project

    npx somod prepare --serverless -v

    The prepare command generates the files and directories required by the AWS SAM.

  7. Update SOMOD Parameters
    The prepare command also generates the parameters.json file at the root of the project. This file contains all the default values for each of the parameters in the current and all dependent modules.

    For this getting-started project, update the parameters.json as follows

    { "apigateway.http.endpoint": null, "apigateway.http.cors.allow_credentials": false, "apigateway.http.cors.allow_headers": [ "authorization", "content-type", "content-length" ], "apigateway.http.cors.allow_methods": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"], "apigateway.http.cors.allow_origins": ["http://localhost:3000"], "apigateway.http.cors.expose_headers": [], "apigateway.http.cors.max_age": 0 }
  8. Deploy the module to AWS

    npx somod deploy --guided

    provide --guided options for first-time deployment, later deployments can run without this option.

  9. Get the API endpoint URL. Run the following command after deployment to get the endpoint URL.

    npx somod update-params

    The endpoint is updated in the parameters.json file.

  10. Test the deployed APIs.

    Run the following curl commands to test that the deployed APIs are working fine.

    Replace the {ENDPOINT_URL} with the actual URL from the previous step

    • Create User

      curl --location --request POST '{ENDPOINT_URL}/user' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "name": "User1", "email": "", "active": true }'
    • Read User

      curl --location --request GET '{ENDPOINT_URL}/user/{ACTUAL_USER_ID}'
    • Update User

      curl --location --request PUT '{ENDPOINT_URL}/user/{ACTUAL_USER_ID}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "email": "" }'
    • Delete User

      curl --location --request DELETE '{ENDPOINT_URL}/user/{ACTUAL_USER_ID}'
    • List Users

      curl --location --request GET '{ENDPOINT_URL}/user/list'

Now the REST APIs are ready, let us understand how to create the UI in the Next Chapter

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