SOMOD's serverless/template.yaml file

The developer creates the serverless resources in /serverless/template.yaml. The SOMOD build command will validate the /serverless/template.yaml and generate /build/serverless/template.json. When preparing AWS SAM's template.yaml, The SOMOD prepare command combines templates from all dependency modules.

Anatomy of the serverless/template.yaml

SOMOD defines the anatomy of the serverless/template.yaml with reusability in focus.

SOMOD's serverless/template.yaml file closely follows the structure of an AWS SAM template file, which is described in the Template Anatomy section of AWS SAM Documentation.

SOMOD's serverless/template.yaml is different from AWS SAM's specification in the following ways

  • serverless/template.yaml contains only two sections, Resources and Outputs
  • Contains special keywords in the template. These keywords are processed and replaced with appropriate values when SAM Template is prepared.


# yaml-language-server: $schema=../node_modules/somod-schema/schemas/serverless-template/index.json Resources: MyFunction1: # Resource Logical Id Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # Type of the resource Properties: # Properties of the Resource Outputs: # output is exported to this parameter SOMOD::Ref: # a SOMOD keyword resource: MyFunction1


Keywords help to pre-process the template before creating the final SAM template.yaml. Along with Common Keywords, SOMOD defines the following keywords for serverless/template.yaml

  • SOMOD::DependsOn
    Replaces AWS Cloudformation DependsOn attribute

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: ValidResourceType # SOMOD::DependsOn must be used only as a property of a Resource SOMOD::DependsOn: # list of dependency {module, resource} tuplets - module: my-module resource: MyResource2 - resource: MyResourceInSameModule # module is optional, when not provided current module is considerred Properties: # ...
  • SOMOD::Extend
    In SOMOD, a module can extend a resource created in the dependency module to alter its properties

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: ValidResourceType # SOMOD::Extend must be used only as a property of a Resource SOMOD::Extend: # This resource is not included in prepared template, instead its properties are merged with the original resource module: my-module resource: MyResource2 rules: # Optional Rules which hints the merging of properties in extended resource, see "$..items": APPEND "$.cart.items": REPLACE Properties: # ...
  • SOMOD::Output
    Each Resource in the AWS SAM template specification has some return values. Other resources can refer to these return values. SOMOD::Output restricts which of the return values are to be referred to.

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: ValidResourceType # SOMOD::Output must be used only as a property of a Resource SOMOD::Output: # If omitted completely, the default return value can be referred default: true # if true, default return value can be referred attributes: [] # list of attributes to refer to. This must be a subset of what actual Resource returns Properties: # ...

    Check the SOMOD::Ref keyword to know how to refer to the output values.

  • SOMOD::Access
    SOMOD::Access controls the accessibility of SOMOD resources. It has three levels of access.

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: ValidResourceType # SOMOD::Access must be used only as a property of a Resource SOMOD::Access: module Properties: # ...
    1. module - Only the resources in the same module are allowed to refer to this Resource.
    2. scope - With this access, the Resource can be referenced by any modules in the same scope. The scope groups of similar modules under a single scope name. Read more about the scope in NPM documentation.
    3. public - Can be referenced from any module

    If not specified, the scope is the default value. SOMOD::Access applies to references created using the following SOMOD keywords only. SOMOD::DependsOn, SOMOD::Extend, SOMOD::Ref, SOMOD::Function.

  • SOMOD::CreateIf
    Create the resource in the prepared template.yaml only if the provided condition is truthy

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: ValidResourceType # SOMOD::CreateIf must be used only as a property of a Resource SOMOD::CreateIf: # any SOMOD common keywords Properties: # ...
  • SOMOD::Ref
    Replaces Ref and Fn::GetAtt to refer to other resources. SOMOD::Ref can refer to resources in the same or other dependency modules.

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: ValidResourceType Properties: Prop1: # SOMOD::Ref can be used in the places where the value has to be read from the output of another resource SOMOD::Ref: module: my-module resource: MyResource2 attribute: Name # ...

    In the prepared template, SOMOD generates Fn::GetAtt when the attribute is referred to, otherwise generates Ref.

  • SOMOD::ResourceName
    Use it to generate a unique resource name.

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: ValidResourceType Properties: Name: # SOMOD::ResourceName can be used to define the name of the resource being created, example DynamoDb Table name, Lambda Function Name, ...etc SOMOD::ResourceName: MyResource # ...

    SOMOD prepare command replaces the SOMOD::Parameter object with the parameter value from parameters.json.

  • SOMOD::Function
    For a Resource of type AWS::Serverless::Function, CodeUri Property must be an object containing SOMOD::Function property.

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: # SOMOD::Function must be used only as a value of CodeUri property of AWS::Serverless::Function SOMOD::Function: type: CfnCustomResource # type defines the type of the event received by the function handler, type is mandatory name: getUser # must have a typescript file with this name under serverless/functions directory customResources: # If this function provides Custom resources, define the JSONSchema for each Custom Resource Type provided by this function MyCustomResource: # valid schema for a Custom resource Properties middlewares: # list of middlewares - module: my-module-containing-middleware resource: resource-id-of-the-middleware # ...
    • The type identifies the type of event this function can handle. must be provided.
    • The name must be the filename under the serverless/functions directory (excluding the extension .ts).
    • If a function defines the code for Custom Cloudformation Resources, the developer can specify the schema of the custom resource using the customResources property. The customResources is a map of Custom Resource Name to Schema. This property is Optional.
    • The middlewares is the list of middlewares applied to this function. Visit the Middlewares chapter to know more about middlewares in SOMOD.

    SOMOD prepare command bundles the function at .somod/serverless/function/{moduleName}/{functionName} path

    In the prepared template, SOMOD replaces this keyword with the directory path of the bundled function

  • SOMOD::FunctionLayer
    For a Resource of type AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion, ContentUri Property must be an object containing SOMOD::FunctionLayer property.

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion Properties: ContentUri: # SOMOD::FunctionLayer must be used only as a value of ContentUri property of AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion SOMOD::FunctionLayer: name: getUser libraries: # list of npm libraries to pack inside the layer. - my-lib1 content: # Map of file path to file content "/path/to/my/content1": "MyFileContent1", "/path/to/my/content1": # Any valid Common SOMOD keywords to get the content allowedTypes: # when provided, this layer can only be attached to functions of allowed type - functionType1 - functionType2 # ...
    • layer name must be provided
    • libraries must have a list of npm library names as a value. The prepare command generates the content of the layer at .somod/serverless/functionLayers/{moduleName}/{layerName}. All of the libraries must be in the devDependecies of the current module to help the SOMOD to pick up the specific version during build.
    • files from the content are created under the layer directory .somod/serverless/functionLayers/{moduleName}/{layerName}
      Either of the libraries or content must be provided
    • allowedTypes help to restrict the type of function to which this layer can be attached. If omitted, the layer is allowed for all types of functions

    In the prepared template, SOMOD replaces this keyword with the directory path of the bundled function layer.

  • SOMOD::FunctionMiddleware
    For a Resource of type SOMOD::Serverless::FunctionMiddleware, CodeUri Property must be an object containing SOMOD::FunctionMiddleware property.

    Resources: MyResource1: Type: SOMOD::Serverless::FunctionMiddleware Properties: CodeUri: # SOMOD::FunctionMiddleware must be used only as a value of CodeUri property of SOMOD::Serverless::FunctionMiddleware SOMOD::FunctionMiddleware: name: logger # must have a typescript file named logger.ts at serverless/functions/middlewares directory allowedTypes: # when provided, this middleware can only be attached to functions of allowed type - functionType1 - functionType2 # ...


Outputs section in the serverless/template.yaml file helps to export the values from deployed stack into parameters. The Outputs section is a map of parameter names to the expression which generates a value from the deployed stack.


Outputs: # output is exported to this parameter SOMOD::Ref: # a SOMOD keyword resource: MyTable1

here the default return value from the MyTable1 resource is exported to parameter.

After deployment, use the command npx somod parameters update to update the values from stack to parameters.json

Now we have understood how to author resources in the template. In the next chapter, Let us understand how to work with Lambda Functions.

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